Thursday 13 December 2012

Animatic and alternative mood board

I have recently completed my animatic and started work on my test piece. I have decided that I am going to concentrate on the shot in which the gun is fired for my test pieces, concentrating on various methods of animating the bullet leaving the barrel as well as the smoke that follows it. Additionally I will consider the motion of the raindrops being splashed from the rim of the barrel as the bullet is fired.

(I am currently having trouble uploading my animatic and will attempt to upload it in a later post)

As well as my animatic, I have also completed my alternative mood board. Naturally my alternative mood board features bright and bold colours. The general mood is one of happiness and joy and instead of being mature the mood board has a much more carefree childish feel about it. There are various animals and sweets and other items associated with this mood. Supplementary to the use of bright and wide range of colours I have also chosen to include outside scenes and animals that represent freedom such as the butterfly.

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